Thursday, August 26, 2010


Well, after several horrible printing moments, some spelling errors, one GIANT math error, and one word switch-a-roo, two patterns are up for sale on the new etsy site! "New etsy site?" you ask. Yes! New etsy site!

I am currently having a small identity crisis...nothing major of course, just still trying to narrow down what I really want to do. So, instead of having one site, where I'm the geek quilter, and I'm selling a little bit of girlie patterns/quilts...why not just live a double life and do both! So...

one blog! (you're here, of course!)
one flickr site... HERE

two etsy sites


and two styles in one girl!

With all that being said, I have posted two patterns for sale here!  These are not PDF files, but actually hard copy!  I think they turned out really well!

Piece Out,
Michie Lee

Thursday, August 19, 2010

In the works...

A couple of months ago, I posted about the new pattern I'm working on, called Pixel Parade (I'm pretty sure I'm going to go ahead and change the name, but not quite sure to what yet!)  So I wrote a rough draft, designed it on Adobe Illustrator, and it looked something like this...

So...handed the rough draft over to a friend, Angie at Five Monkeys Quilting, and she made these!!!!

Check out more pictures on the Flickr account!  Pattern is still in the process...tweeking a couple of little things... BUT! I will be releasing my first ever pattern tomorrow! Not even just as a PDF... actual hard copy! But more on that later!

Piece Out,

Monday, August 9, 2010

New Pattern!

Got the new baby/throw quilt pattern up on Etsy today! Real pictures to come soon.  Really excited about where this is going. Also, wanting to start a library for people who get this pattern, make it, and send me their pics back!

It's called Gabriella. It might like familiar... Get it here on my etsy page!

Piece Out,