Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy December!

Why, yes, I am sewing my tail off for the Holidays! Post The Big Crafty (which was a huge success, and if you didn't make it, you MUST next year!), I have now moved on to thinking about what's due for Christmas.

One project that I'm working on is a quilt for a good friend Amy's mother.  One thing you might not know about me, is that I'm a sucker for Debbie Mumm books.  I'm not quite sure why or when this liking developed, but a good portion of my quilt book collection has a Mumm attached to it somehow.

Freshly Pressed.
So Amy and I picked out a quilt from Debbie Mumm's New Expressions book, which I picked up several years ago, and picked out the Elegance Squared Throw pattern. So far, so good! Now I just need to go pick out a border and backing.

Piece Out,

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sewing on the Road...

Last Tuesday, I hit the road for Thanksgiving, and went to Fredericksburg, VA with my mom to spend the holiday with my GrandDad! And, of course, I packed up my Bernina and all my projects!
Taking over the Dining Room Table
 I kept having to move my stuff at every meal...which, during Thanksgiving, is every two hours! But, I did end up getting a lot accomplished. I brought 6 projects with me, which, at first, sounded like too much, but when I actually worked on 5 of them, I felt much better!

My Little Sewing Corner
 It was uber-cold all week, so Mom and I pretty much stayed inside next to the fire, watching cheesy Christmas movies and bad home renovation shows.  But, overall it was a good little break.

My sewing machine is glad to be home.

Piece Out,

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fire Flower Quilt & Mr. Ruffin-Pants

The Fire Flower Quilt I made for Nancy and her son Ruffin!

Geeky Gamer Baby Already!

I will beat Bowser! I will beat Bowser!

A couple of months ago, I had the privilege of making this quilt for Nancy and Mr. Ruffin-Pants!  It turned out a little on the big side, but now he can grow into it!

Piece Out,

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sunnie! newest pattern Sunnie!  Still in the final stages of the editing process...but should be officially out by December 1st! So excited!

Been working on the sample...wasn't completely happy with it.  It was a little too green... so working on the next one.  Hopefully this one will be better.

Off next week to Fredericksburg, VA for Thanksgiving with the family. Going to take the laptop with me to start designing the next series....  hint hint hint...a series of patterns. :)

Also...there is some exciting news buzzing around here that I might get to guest blog on a pretty big website.  More details on that later...but right now I'm off.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Piece Out,

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Coming Soon!

Having trouble coming up with a name for this one?  Any suggestions?
Piece Out,

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Machine Review: Berninas

In my line of work, I am privileged enough to be able to play with and try some of the best sewing machines out there. And yes, even buy some! :)  So! I decided to go ahead and do a review a week...on what's out there, what they do, and why I need one!

First, let's start with the brand, and then we'll narrow it to machines later on!

Top Five Reasons to Love Bernina!

#1. Bernina Whole Shank Feet
1. Whole shank feet!  I change feet ALL the time.  During one good day spent in the sewing room, I regularly use and change out 4 or 5 different feet everything.  And let me tell you, it's easy!  No screwdrivers to lose, to extra parts, no little tiny snap-on feet that could get lost.

2. Metal Bobbin Works! I am rough on machines. There's no doubt about it. But the metal bobbins, metal bobbin case, and the metal hook help me stay together.  They are nearly impossible to destroy, and with a little cleaning and little oiling, they bounce back when I need them to.

3.  Total Stitch Control!  Okay...this one might sound a little nerdy, but I really do like to change the width, length, and needle position on any of my stitches. and, we're not talking about just a couple of settings. We are talking about tiny little change that you can do to them all.

#4. Bernina Stitch Regulator
4. Bernina Stitch Regulator! If you are a beginning quilter, getting ready to tackle your first quilt with free-motion. The BSR is a must have.  It reads how fast you move your fabric and controls the motor speed, so that all your stitches are the same length. It is only available on certain models, but no other regular sewing machines, come even close.

5.  The Straight Stitch!  Don't forget about the basics! A really horrible looking straight stitch can make or break your whole project, and the Berninas by far have the prettiest and strongest I might add! 

My two cents for the day! Check out Bernina here!

Next up on Machine Reviews...the Bernina Artista 630.

Piece Out,

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Project List

(Stolen From Nancy)

Keeping me busy...and not in any particular order

1.  Bre's Baby Quilt (Drama personified!) - ASAP
2.  My Very Own T-Shirt Quilt - Tuesday, Sept. 28 (Although, I'm having someone else quilt it!)
3.  The Galaga Quilt - No Due Date
4.  The Tetris Quilt - No Due Date
5.  20 Library Book Bags - Chatty Crafty on Nov 6.
6.  At least 3 Monster Quilts for Boys - Chatty Crafty on Nov. 6
7.  Aline's Knitting Bag - February 2009 2010 2011
8.  Rustic Quilt for my Aunt - Christmas 2010
9.  Quilt for Work/Trade for some awesome Peter Parpan Artwork - ASAP
10.  New Pattern due out - Nov. 12

Oh geesh...more to come.

Piece Out,

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

St. Louis Trip #2

Since this was my second trip to St. Louis,  I didn't feel obligated to take so many pictures of the Arch! Instead, caught this little guy on the road that runs behind it!

Quilt Idea? I think so!

Metropolis, Illinois

En route, stopped by Eleanor Burns store in Paducah, KY.

Piece Out,

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Well, after several horrible printing moments, some spelling errors, one GIANT math error, and one word switch-a-roo, two patterns are up for sale on the new etsy site! "New etsy site?" you ask. Yes! New etsy site!

I am currently having a small identity crisis...nothing major of course, just still trying to narrow down what I really want to do. So, instead of having one site, where I'm the geek quilter, and I'm selling a little bit of girlie patterns/quilts...why not just live a double life and do both! So...

one blog! (you're here, of course!)
one flickr site... HERE

two etsy sites


and two styles in one girl!

With all that being said, I have posted two patterns for sale here!  These are not PDF files, but actually hard copy!  I think they turned out really well!

Piece Out,
Michie Lee

Thursday, August 19, 2010

In the works...

A couple of months ago, I posted about the new pattern I'm working on, called Pixel Parade (I'm pretty sure I'm going to go ahead and change the name, but not quite sure to what yet!)  So I wrote a rough draft, designed it on Adobe Illustrator, and it looked something like this...

So...handed the rough draft over to a friend, Angie at Five Monkeys Quilting, and she made these!!!!

Check out more pictures on the Flickr account!  Pattern is still in the process...tweeking a couple of little things... BUT! I will be releasing my first ever pattern tomorrow! Not even just as a PDF... actual hard copy! But more on that later!

Piece Out,

Monday, August 9, 2010

New Pattern!

Got the new baby/throw quilt pattern up on Etsy today! Real pictures to come soon.  Really excited about where this is going. Also, wanting to start a library for people who get this pattern, make it, and send me their pics back!

It's called Gabriella. It might like familiar... Get it here on my etsy page!

Piece Out,

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Another Treasury!

Yup...I was in another treasury on etsy! Flipping Yeah! That's what I got to say... I'll post a pic later, but for now, click here!

Piece Out,

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Freelance Pattern Designer?

A work in progress...but this will be my first pattern for sale, other than the pixel quilts! Very excited about getting to use all my graphic design skills from forever ago...forgot how much I really enjoyed it.  Of course, imagine the big brown rectangle is an actual picture of the quilt.

I'm also thinking, it might be fun to hire myself as a Freelance Pattern Designer... i.e. you design the quilt, and then give me the quilt, I'll take pictures, and write up a design for you. to market myself as such.  :)

Piece Out,

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Yeah for Wallets!

Started selling these bad boys again! Let me know if you'd like to see anything specific! Also, check out the etsy page for more! HERE!
Piece Out,

Monday, May 31, 2010

Yeahs For My First Treasury Feature!

Featured in my First Treasury Feature on Etsy by member HidingPlace.

Check it out here!

Planning on working REALLY hard in the next couple of days, before I hit the road on Thursday. Hopefully there will be lots of photos! :)

Piece Out,

Friday, May 28, 2010

Pinwheel Fancy - My Cousin Brandi's New Baby Quilt

So! I picked out the fabric for this great girly quilt!  I'm calling it Pinwheel Fancy! Just sounds like a good quilt name for know...REALLY obvious and the like!

And there will be a pattern! Plan on working on that sometime next week on my road trip!

More later!

Piece Out,

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pixel Parade Pattern

Yeah! Another pattern for sale by yours truly!  I've got a great quilter, Ang working on the sample...what I've seen so far is awesome! So pictures of that should be up soon!

Here's a link to the listing...


Piece Out,

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Introducing... MONSTER QUILTS

So... Amy from Crankypants Knits and I teamed up and came up with these little AWESOME quilts! This is the Buddy Holly Monster quilt! You can look through others and purchase awesome goodies through her Etsy site... here!

More of them are in the works, and...some possible custom work! Keep checking back for updates and more pictures of other monster quilties!

Piece Out,

Sunday, May 9, 2010

So...yes... I do!

So...yes, I do make other quilts than just geeked up ones! In fact, I make a wide range of different quilts, including making this one right now for my new cousin, Gabriella! "Ella" as they call her. :) I made one for her big bro, Gavin, a couple years back and now it's time for little sis to have one too!

Piece Out,


Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Cloud!

Yes! The Cloud is finished...and I do have to say that it is a cutie! You can see it here on Etsy! Working steadily on the Flower Quilt next, and have so so so many more ideas after that!

Piece Out,

Friday, April 30, 2010


First official pattern for sale on Etsy! Check it out here!

Hopefully this will get the ball rolling for me and making patterns!

Piece Out,

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Michie = Slacker...sometimes!

Pics of the Mario Quilt are finally here! Actually got the quilt finished a while ago...but just haven't had a nice enough day outside during the peak hours for photos to snap these... so...I got these guys right before the rain started!

Piece Out,

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Okay... so I promise I have not fallen off the face of the Earth! In fact, I've been very busy working on a special project with a fellow Ashevillian...More info soon... just want to get the pieces ....jjjjjuuusssttt right. :)

On a completely different note, I HAVE decided to start an Etsy shop to sell quilts and patterns for the geek in all of us. There's nothing up for sale yet, but working hard on three baby quilts!

One of the quilts is going to be this little beauty! Fire Flower from Mario!

Keep up with the page though here!

For now, that's it...
Pictures soon...

Piece Out,

Friday, April 2, 2010

New project anyone?!?!?

Well... it seems that I have totally found my niche... which is great... because it seemed like I was just floating along with my quilting stuff for some time now... making good (and possibly even great!) quilts, but just not too excited about them....

SO!!! On for the next one! GALAGA!!!

So this one is for my boss! And mind you the background will be black, instead of gray, but if I didn't design it with gray, they you couldn't see all the little lines, and I really need those to put it together!

Piece Out,

OH! And I am working on something AMAZING! But I can't show pics yet... but it's also another project that I'm super excited about... and on a much smaller scale!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Quilt Top Together!!!

Very sleepy Michie-pants is off to bed! But not before, I finished this guy!

Piece Out,

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I think these speak for themselves.

Yeah for finishing a quilt. It feels so good to check something off the list! Looks a little different than the EQ sketch of it, but I'm very happy with it! Hopefully, Kelly will like it too... will pop it in the mail to her on Tuesday! And had so so so much fabric left over, that I had to make her a set of 4 placemats to go with it...and plus she just moved into a new place! Placemats are always great housewarming gifts!

That's it for now... I think I might actually cut into some Mario fabric this afternoon... but also working on something brand new with a we'll see what I'm actually motivated to work on next!

Piece Out,