Friday, April 30, 2010


First official pattern for sale on Etsy! Check it out here!

Hopefully this will get the ball rolling for me and making patterns!

Piece Out,

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Michie = Slacker...sometimes!

Pics of the Mario Quilt are finally here! Actually got the quilt finished a while ago...but just haven't had a nice enough day outside during the peak hours for photos to snap these... so...I got these guys right before the rain started!

Piece Out,

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Okay... so I promise I have not fallen off the face of the Earth! In fact, I've been very busy working on a special project with a fellow Ashevillian...More info soon... just want to get the pieces ....jjjjjuuusssttt right. :)

On a completely different note, I HAVE decided to start an Etsy shop to sell quilts and patterns for the geek in all of us. There's nothing up for sale yet, but working hard on three baby quilts!

One of the quilts is going to be this little beauty! Fire Flower from Mario!

Keep up with the page though here!

For now, that's it...
Pictures soon...

Piece Out,

Friday, April 2, 2010

New project anyone?!?!?

Well... it seems that I have totally found my niche... which is great... because it seemed like I was just floating along with my quilting stuff for some time now... making good (and possibly even great!) quilts, but just not too excited about them....

SO!!! On for the next one! GALAGA!!!

So this one is for my boss! And mind you the background will be black, instead of gray, but if I didn't design it with gray, they you couldn't see all the little lines, and I really need those to put it together!

Piece Out,

OH! And I am working on something AMAZING! But I can't show pics yet... but it's also another project that I'm super excited about... and on a much smaller scale!